Who does not know it? Unfortunately, tooth loss often occurs with increasing age. While children often fracture their teeth while playing, the reasons for tooth loss in adulthood are many. Not surprising here is the fact that caries and periodontitis are the main causes of tooth loss.
In a caries infection, caries bacteria attack the tooth enamel – piercing and gradually destroying the tooth substance. If left untreated, the caries bacteria manage to attack the tooth root. This leads to unpleasant toothache. Many patients only then visit their dentist. However, damage has already been done and cannot always be completely repaired. Caries is a cause that can be easily treated. What you should do for it? – Regular check-ups with your dentist and oral hygiene every six months. At the check-up appointments, small defects are usually repaired immediately or can be treated in several sessions with a filling therapy.
Periodontitis is a bacterial inflammation that initially affects the gums. It usually develops from simple gingivitis, which is often ignored by patients at first. If periodontitis is not treated, it can spread to the jawbone. The result is loose and falling out teeth. Periodontitis infections are often found in the age group 40+ – before that, caries dominates.
A rather less known cause of tooth loss is stress. Stress that lasts for a long period of time often leads to night grinding of teeth. The pressure that is created by grinding the teeth, in the long run, destroys the dental apparatus and damages individual teeth. Fine cracks or broken pieces of teeth are a consequence of this. Chronic and persistent stress also has a negative effect on the immune system, and periodontitis bacteria have an easy time of it. Try to take some time off if you notice that the existing stress is a constant burden for you. To protect yourself from grinding your teeth at night, there is also a so-called “grinding splint”. If you suspect that you grind your teeth in your sleep, talk to your dentist about it at your next check-up.
Image source: unsplash.com